The four graphs show GCSE outcomes and the number of students taking GCSEs in England in the summer exam series from 2008 to 2024. Details of the data shown in each graph are as follows:
- Graph 1 (All tab): the percentage of results achieving each grade in GCSE in the subject selected
- Graph 2 (Female tab): data used in graph 1 for female students
- Graph 3 (Male tab): data used in graph 1 for male students
- Graph 4 (Results tab): the number of results issued for students taking GCSEs in the subject selected, overall and split by gender.
GCSEs in England have been reformed, please see the timetable of reforms. Using the qualification status buttons, it is possible to view GCSE outcomes for pre-reform (referred to as "legacy") qualifications, reformed qualifications, and legacy and reformed qualifications together. Legacy qualifications are graded from A* to G whereas reformed qualifications are graded from 9 to 1. The legacy and reformed view shows outcomes for the three pairs of grades which align on the two scales: A/7, C/4 and G/1.