This interactive visualisation shows data on the number of reformed Functional Skills Qualifications (FSQs) awarded and student outcomes from October 2021 (Quarter 4, 2021) onwards. The data is for FSQ English and FSQ maths at level 1 and level 2. It only covers students in England.
- The graph on the left shows the number of FSQ qualifications awarded in each individual quarter, and in each 12 months to quarter end period.
- The graph on the right shows the number of students who have taken an FSQ assessment between October 2021 (Q4 2021) and the latest available quarter. Student outcomes are shown as the percentage of students who have achieved a pass result in any of their attempts at the assessment during that period.
You can use the drop-down selections to change the data in both graphs. You can choose to show data for each qualification level (level 1 or level 2) and for different student age groups (all students, students aged up to 18 years, students aged 19 years or older). Using the tabs you can switch between data for FSQ English and FSQ maths.