The visualisation shows the cumulative or non-cumulative grade distributions for level 1, level 1/2, level 2 Vocational and Technical Qualifications (VTQs) included in the Department for Education’s (DfE) performance tables (PTQs) – specifically Technical Certificates and Technical Awards. Different qualifications use different grading structures (eg Pass Merit Distinction or A-E). It is not possible to combine results across different grading structures, so the results are reported according to the grading structure. The visualisation can be filtered to select a specific PTQ type and guided learning hour combination. The data shown in each tab is as follows:
- Tab 1: Displays a graph or table showing the overall percentage of grades issued for each grade in the grading structure, PTQ type and guided learning hours selected, for all years available.
- Tab 2: Displays a series of bar graphs or table. If you select ‘All sector subject areas’ in sector subject area dropdown, the graphs or table show the percentage of grades issued for each grade in the current year for all the available sector subject areas in the grading structure, PTQ type and guided learning hours selected. If you select a specific sector subject area, the graph or table shows the percentage of grades issued for each grade in all available years for the sector subject area, grading structure, PTQ type and guided learning hours selected.
- Tab 3: Displays a table showing the overall number of grades issued per grading structure and year for the dropdown combination selected.
Graphs and tables are only plotted for breakdowns relating to 5 or more qualifications and 500 or more total results in the current year as we would normally expect less stability in grade distributions over time for smaller groups. If you select dropdown combinations which do not meet this threshold, the graph or table is not plotted.