This interactive visualisation allows you to explore the Vocational and other qualifications quarterly data, reporting the number of certificates issued in England for vocational and technical qualifications regulated by Ofqual from 1 January 2012 onwards.
It gives students, teachers, analysts, and others interested in these qualifications a new opportunity to explore the data collected and published over the years.
The data displayed in the graph can be changed with the drop-down selections. This allows you to view the number of certificates for an individual qualification or for all qualifications of the selected qualification type, qualification level and sector subject area.
Two lines are displayed in the graph. The blue line labelled 'quarterly certificates' shows the number of certificates issued in each individual quarter. The orange line labelled '12 months to quarter end certificates' shows the number of certificates in each 12 month period up to the end of the quarter. The 'quarterly' line shows the seasonal trend across the year and the '12 months to quarter end' line shows the overall trend.
This interactive visualisation does not allow you to explore the number of students taking a qualification or their funding.